Although I am a UX designer first and foremost, design is a passion I bring everywhere.
Whether it’s doodling on my iPad or crafting an escape room, creativity fuels everything I do.
Outside of work, I’m always doodling. It's how I make sense of things, especially when life gets weird.
Sometimes, it’s a way to process unexpected twists - like when my husband and I planned to get married in 2020, and then the pandemic threw a wrench in our plans. We’ve since tied the knot, but I still doodled to commemorate our would-be anniversary.
Sometimes, doodling is a way to cope with feeling lost - like when I knew I wanted to be a UX designer but wasn’t sure how to get there.
I imagined a completely different world in which I opened a plant shop called Hard to Kill. Doodling for this alternate reality helped me put things into perspective and push past those stuck moments so I could carve my own path into UX design.
Library signs and designs
My path into UX design actually began at the University of Illinois, where, alongside other experiences that helped prepare me for a career in design, I volunteered to create flyers, signs, and graphics for the library. What started as a task I enjoyed quickly grew into a passion for visually connecting ideas with people.
As I transitioned into UX design at Stanford Libraries, I still enjoyed crafting these materials. Here’s a selection of flyers, signs, and graphics I created during my time there.

At Stanford Libraries, I also had the opportunity to embark on some truly unique design projects. One that stands out was crafting an escape room!
Designing this game was not only a fun challenge but also an incredibly rewarding way to connect with library users.
Looking ahead, I’m excited for all the future creative endeavors that await, both in and outside of work!